Strathmore Cricket Club News story

A.G.M - 2015/16 Committee

14 Dec 2015

The club's AGM took place yesterday afternoon in the Nigel Hazel Lounge. Thanks to all those in attendance.

The newly formed committee has a much changed look to it from 2015 with both President, Laurance Knight, as well as Vice-President (& Treasurer), Alan McKay, stepping down. Between them, they have served about 50 years on the committee and the club would like to thank them for their commitment and hard work over the years.

The 2015/16 committee was elected as follows:

President - Graham Hewitson
Vice-President - Ian Cran
Club Captain - Gary Hewitson
Secretary - Alan Ducat
Treasurer - Mark Stewart
Match Secretary - Craig McDonald
House Convenor - Sandy McIntosh
Assistant Secretary - Ed Taylor
Assistant Treasurer - Ian Cran
Committee Member - Andy Sturrock, Lisa McDonald, Murray Gardiner

2 committee posts have currently been left unelected with the committee having the option to co-opt people to fill the vacant posts as it sees fit.