Strathmore Cricket Club News story

Choice for Angus - Make Your Vote Count

15 Nov 2021

Help us to Make Lochside Park More Accessible



 The Club has a project included in this year’s “Choice for Angus” participatory budgeting initiative.


We are seeking funding to redesign the entrance to the club and create a new pedestrian entrance at the Lochside Terrace end of the tearoom. These developments will ensure that there is full wheelchair access  to all parts of the ground.

This is an important priority for the club as we seek to:

  • Develop our work in “All Ability” cricket
  • Establish a Meeting Centre for people living with dementia at the club. A Meeting Centre is a social centre for people in the early stages of dementia, providing them with opportunities to stay active and well for as long as possible. Many of the people who will use the centre are perfectly mobile, but others may have difficulty managing steps. We want to ensure that the Centre meets everyone’s needs


“Choice for Angus” gives members of the public an opportunity to help decide how money is spent on projects that will improve the quality of life in our community.

You can help us secure the money we need to take our project (and others) forward by going to Social Pinpoint | CforA PB Arbroath 2021 copy ( and casting your online vote (Voting is open from 15th-22nd November).


By voting for us, you won’t just be supporting the club. You’ll be helping to establish an important new service in the town.

So please, get online and have your say.


Thanks in anticipation for your support